Success Center System Design
Recommissioning a de-commissioned website with many different content types is challenging, especially as corporate design systems continually evolve around you.
Lucky for me, I didn’t have to do it alone. I’ve got a great team to help accomplish our goal of making the customer setup experience easier.
The Challenge
Create a standalone website that looks like part of the Salesforce ecosystem for an evolving list of personas and a changing list of products.
The Success Center aims to ease the customer setup process by curating content journeys that have different, but important goals.
While that appears fairly straightforward, creating a Customer Journey in a sea of non-mandatory steps that can, or cannot be done out of order, depending on customer need, license, and add-ons, is not.
The Project Details
Our main persona is an accidental admin of Salesforce products, initially scoped to just Sales and Service, but as the website evolves, so is the addition of other Salesforce Products and use cases. These admins don’t have a lot of experience using the product and need a guide to help them set up.
We have a wide variety of stakeholders, from the Executive Vice President of Global Customer and Success Strategy, to the Product Marketer in charge.
For Version 2.0, we met with the Corporate Design Team, the Accessibility Team, the Support Team, and the related C360 design teams to ensure that our next iteration would be accessible and consistent with the evolving design patterns of Salesforce.
Version 2.0 was designed over the course of 8 weeks before being handed off to development. We’re matching the Salesforce product release schedule and are currently designing against January’s feature release.
My Role
Creating and documenting patterns from atoms to molecules
Ideation on features and interaction design
Lead agency partners